Sunday, March 20, 2005

Yesterday you see them, Today you don't!

Dear friends,
Most of you must have been thinking why I used this type of title in this blog. If you wanna know the answer just read! On one Sabbath afternoon, I visit the AIDS Hospice In Lopburi. There I met a man named Chai (In Thai language, it means Vitory). He was so talented in speaking different kind of languages. He even can speak Malay and Japanese. He was so excited, while I was talking to him. He told me some of his life story while I was massage him. He was energetic even though he was too close to the final stages. When I saw him at that time, he still was active. I also gave him a new name. I called him Victor... It is direct translation of Thai name. I contextualize his name, so that he will feel better. BUT when I visit him today.....
He was sleeping, so I didn't disturb him. After finished massaging other patients with Shimona and Mrs. Foster, I went to Mr. Victor Chai. I called him, he opened his eyes, he still knew me but he cannot say anything to me, then he closed his eyes........ I tried to hold his hand, he did hold mine but it seems he doesn't have energy to hold my hand. Immediately, I looked at him and hold his hand and started to pray for him, BUT it is too late... I asked God, "God, will you give him strength and please heal him. " Even I asked God, "How long Lord, please do something so that they can feel your love and miraculous power, so that they will accept you that you are the God?", "How are they going to know that you are God in the moment of last breath, if you don't show your miraculous healing through your servants?" He was so thin... Until I can see his bones, He was so tired until he was struggling to say hi to me.... I saw him in the bed, struggling for his last breathe.... How long Lord we Have to see all this sufferings.... Today I see them But tommorow They are not there... It Is KillIng Field....

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