Monday, December 18, 2006

Love and Marriage Life is not “maintenance” BUT “Investment”.

On last Friday, we were discussingabout love. In that discussion welearned many things about Love fromfew experienced couples. I would liketo share one thing that really openedmy eyes.We often think that, when we are inLove and Marriage life, that means weneed to maintain the relationship.This is what we do. We often thinkthat, we would like to have therelationship as we are having ourinterest in our expensive things. When we buy something, we often think ofthe expenses for the maintenance andhow are we going to keep them. We evenapplied the same philosophy in ourrelationship. At the end we are onlymaintaining the relationship becausewe are married or in relationship.But there is another way of thinkingabout Love and Relationship. It isbetter than “maintenance” philosophy of Love and Marriage. It is called “Investment” philosophy ofLove. Why investing? What would we dowhen we invest certain amount of moneyin big businesses? Are we going tothink of the ways to maintain thebusiness or to get possible ways toget the best profit and revenue out ofthem?
Yes! Of course we would like tohave the best profit and revenue outof our investment in that business.Even in our relationship, we need toinvest love in relationship. We needto invest Love in relationship so thatwe will work hard for the best in ourLove and marriage life. When we investin our relationship, we would like tohave the best outcome and always willbe thinking to do the best for theloved one. If we are thinking tomaintain the relationship, we oftenwant to give enough attentions to keepthe relationship going like we wantour car to keep on moving until itgets rust. In the other hand, if weare thinking to invest in therelationship, we often want to givethe best out of the best attentions toprosper the relationship.Think about it! Whether you want tohave “maintenance” kind of Love andMarriage Life or “investment” kind ofLove and Marriage Life?
God Bless You!
Robert J Agustin